Pour quoi frog?

Why frogs? Well, why not. These frogs are for Darcy, who has been in isolation in The Sydney Children's Hospital. If you want to follow Darcy's progress check out the journal updates here: www.caringbridge.org/visit/darcygilmour10/journal

If you want to make a frog you can find instructions at: http://www.savethefrogs.com/teachers/images/Origami-Jumping-Frog.pdf .

If frogs are beyond you, you can also give blood. Details of how available from the Australian Red Cross Blood Service.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Frog who would be King

Frog Henry VIII never actually expected to become a King.  This is because he was only the second tadpole of Frog Henry VII and had an older brother, Arthur, who always got to do everything first. As is often the way in high class Frog families, the first born son is groomed to become King, whilst younger children are encouraged to go into the Church or the Army.

Frog Prince Arthur was named after King Arthur, despite the fact that his parents did not have a round table, or keep wizards on hand to help when things got a bit tricky running the Kingdom.

Arthur was a happy-go-lucky red-headed frog who got married early to a Spanish girl his parents had chosen for him. When Arthur unexpectedly died at the age of 15, Frog Prince Henry was told to pull his stockings up and take over the family business - and the family bride.

After dating for a while Frog Prince Henry was married to the Spanish girl, Katherine of Aragon  - she was a June bride.  They enjoyed the party so much they decided to have another a few weeks later and had a June coronation as well.

Despite the fact that photography was not invented for another few hundred years, they still managed to have some lovely family portraits taken.

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