Pour quoi frog?

Why frogs? Well, why not. These frogs are for Darcy, who has been in isolation in The Sydney Children's Hospital. If you want to follow Darcy's progress check out the journal updates here: www.caringbridge.org/visit/darcygilmour10/journal

If you want to make a frog you can find instructions at: http://www.savethefrogs.com/teachers/images/Origami-Jumping-Frog.pdf .

If frogs are beyond you, you can also give blood. Details of how available from the Australian Red Cross Blood Service.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Is this the end for New Frog?

You will recall, dear reader, that we last saw New Frog lying in a pool of his own goo.

A specialist is brought in to try and revive him.

CPR is not exactly a success. 

Dr Stephanie determines to try something drastic. 

New Frog feels a little empty...

Friday, December 30, 2011

Accidents can happen

Oh dear reader,

we must caution you that what you are about to witness may come as a shock.

New Frog in Town has met with an accident. At least we think it was an accident.

The coroner is yet to report on whether she thinks there may have been foul play.

Are you sitting down?


The scene of the crime!

(Or possibly the scene of the accident)

Paramedicfrogs rush to the scene and try to protect the carpet stem the flow of goo.

...but to no avail.

New Frog appears determined to spread his goo as widely as possible.

Is it really over for New Frog? Tune in tomorrrow....

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Postvent (2)

So the other thing about that period between Christmas and New Year is ...


Frog contemplates the options.

Turkey. Ham. Chicken Terrine. Shallot Terrine.


(With thanks to Frogblog contributers Gretchen for the meats and terrines and to Melissa for the pud).

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Polish frogs?

In those long lazy days between Christmas and New Year there is plenty of time to take up a new skill.

The Frogs choose....

Pole dancing.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Game on...

The Green and Blue teams line up for the Boxing Day test.

After the anthems are croaked, Green wins the toss and elects to hop first.

And it's a great hop. Straight into the guts.

The Blues make their first jump. But they overshoot.

The Greens show their accuracy with a second frog straight in on top of the first. But the Blues start to show some fight with their second jumper landing perfectly.

The third Green jumper mis-times it and doesn't quite make the target. But the third Blue is a champion and lands his jump perfectly.

A hush falls on the stadium.  How will it end?

Greens are victorious! 

It's a 3-2 win and the crowd goes wild.

Monday, December 26, 2011


If you have "advent" in the lead up to Christmas, what do you have in the days that follow (other than a stomache ache from eating too much)?


Whatever it is called it must, clearly, involve frogs.

Christmas frogs.

Christmas frogs that unfold to reveal themselves as a Christmas card.

Christmas frogs made from the gift of origami paper.

And Christmas frogs in the form of a hopping frog game.

Postvent - what's not to love?

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Santa's little helpers (3)

Santa Frog, as we all know, likes air travel.

So when looking for beasts to pull the sleigh, ones with wings would be a good idea.

Shame no one told Santa Frog chickens don't really fly.

Love your work, FaceChook.

And Merry Christmas dear readers.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Santa's little helpers (2)

PNG warriors may be all very well for helping Santa Frog get through hot country.  But in colder climes a fur coat is clearly needed.

Fair to say that the cat is not entirely loving it.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Santa's little helpers

The world is a big place.

Quite clearly, Santa frog cannot get around the entire globe delivering presents to amphibious boys and girls without a little help.

Time to call for assistance. No reindeer.  But antlers still seem to be a feature.

(Who knew PNG warriors could be so cute?)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Home "sweet" home

At last!

Frog and Potato have got themselves a new home.

The work is now complete. The decorators have been in.
The house has been constructed off site and trucked in to position in the bog.

After a final inspection of the house on site by the project manager... 

Frog starts showing Potato around her new home.

Front door.

(Looks great from above and below)

 Water views from the roof.

And don't you just love the exterior artwork?

Authentic Roman Frog Columns. 

Really, they couldn't be happier. 
And the neighbours love it too.

In by Christmas.
As promised.

Sweet, huh?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Construction workers

Frog gets his building team together.

The project manager inspects the site and organises the drainage.

The specialist diggers prepare the ground and start thinking about the landscaping.

And the unskilled labour turns up to get the house out of the box.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

If at first you don't succeed, read the instructions

Some may recall that Frog is not really that good at following instructions.

See here and here for examples.

This time he is determined to get it right.

That's what you all planning.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Location, Location, Location

Frog decides he must do things properly this time.

He scopes out the garden to be sure that the bog is the best spot for his new home.

The flax is fine - but will probably be a bit scary in high winds.

The roses ar pretty - but a bit prickly too.

The bog seems best - there's even a water view!