Pour quoi frog?

Why frogs? Well, why not. These frogs are for Darcy, who has been in isolation in The Sydney Children's Hospital. If you want to follow Darcy's progress check out the journal updates here: www.caringbridge.org/visit/darcygilmour10/journal

If you want to make a frog you can find instructions at: http://www.savethefrogs.com/teachers/images/Origami-Jumping-Frog.pdf .

If frogs are beyond you, you can also give blood. Details of how available from the Australian Red Cross Blood Service.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Two For Tea

Tea for Two
By the Frogomotos

Picture you upon my.... knee?
(the Frogomotos get a lift into the city,
cleverly camouflaged to avoid paying the fare)

Just tea for two...

And two for tea (or maybe champagne)

Just me for you and you for me
(or egg sandwich for you and macaroons for me)

Just can't you see how happy we will be
(num, num, num, num)

(num, num, num, num..... oh, sorry, I'll continue)

Day will break and I'll awake
and start to eat all the sugary cakes

you will finish with some greens

and I will polish off the cream

Can't you see how happy we would be?
(It's mine, I tell you
No it's not, it's mine, I saw it first
Get off, I'll wrestle you for it......)

The End.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way pink floral frog is so beautifully camoflaged on the plate. The perfect accessory to high tea!
