Pour quoi frog?

Why frogs? Well, why not. These frogs are for Darcy, who has been in isolation in The Sydney Children's Hospital. If you want to follow Darcy's progress check out the journal updates here: www.caringbridge.org/visit/darcygilmour10/journal

If you want to make a frog you can find instructions at: http://www.savethefrogs.com/teachers/images/Origami-Jumping-Frog.pdf .

If frogs are beyond you, you can also give blood. Details of how available from the Australian Red Cross Blood Service.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

For the love of frogs

Frogs do some amazing things.

They vomit out their stomachs.
They eat weird stuff.
And they sometimes keep people entertained.

Here's one boy who has been on the receiving end of some frog entertainment for a few months.

Looking good Darcmeister.

Nice to see you up and about. Keep up the good work.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Darcy, Awesome frogs.
    You won't remember me but it's Ashleigh from hawker primary, I'm in mr weddell's class this year which is your class!
